Listeners, suggest songs to add to our radio rotation!

Dear listeners,

in this difficult times for all the world, due to the Coronavirus pandemic, I am glad that Milano Lounge & Milano Lounge Radio HD are spreading good music to keep you company.

Unless I fall victim of the Covid-19, I will continue to add new songs to our radio rotation.

I have also created a new collaborative playlist on Spotify, where listeners can suggest songs to add to our radio rotation. You can find it at this link:

Please remember that we play only Chillout, Lounge, Deep House & Electronic Music. Do not add other genres. Thank you.


Listeners stats for Milano Lounge Radio – February 2020

Milano Lounge Radio – Listeners Stats for February 2020

Unique Listeners : 56,813

TLH-Total Listening Hours : 258,322

Top 10 Countries : Germany, Italy, USA, UK, Switzerland, Russian Federation, France, Netherlands, Canada, Brazil.

Thank you all for listening to Milano Lounge!

Milano Lounge Radio
Milano Lounge Radio